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What is evergreen content

You may have heard of this term and wondered what is evergreen content and why it matters.

The answer is pretty simple – evergreen content is the content which is not losing its relevancy over time fairly soon.  Of course all the ideas and how-tos deteriorate over time, but some topics degraded faster. For example, if I post a guide on how to setup advertising on Facebook, it wouldn’t be an evergreen content, because Facebook is so often changes things there what it may quickly become outdated.

However, this very article you’re reading now may very well become evergreen content, because this term is not going to change anytime soon.

In many stable, slow-pacing industries any how-to or explanatory text may very well be evergreen. Like if you own a dentistry and post on how to brush teeth correctly – it is hardly to change soon, right? So, it’s evergreen.

Why evergreen content is important

For two reasons – one – it works great for SEO, or in other words – it attracts organic traffic from search.

Secondly, it also make great content for continuous repeated posting onto your wall. Of course, not like everyday you post the same stuff, but rather every month, but it still might get new fans interested and bring them to your site, some will repost it etc.

What makes good evergreen content

First of all it’s all sort of how-tos or explanatory articles. Infographics also are great evergreens, as people tend to share them even more.

However, before you run back to your desk eager to write important how-to for your potential clients, a couple of words of caution.

Watch out what your competition does. Simply type your topic in Google and see what happens. Speaking in examples, if you’re the car service. You might be tempted to post an article like ‘how to change oil in a car’. However, I bet there are already hundreds of articles on the internet about that. All being published in a well-respected resources in car industry. If you post that, you probably will get close to zero traffic from search. Because your article will never reach the top of search page for this keyword.

So, find a good specific/special theme and post about that. Not the most popular topic in your industry. There are plenty of people interested in some very specific topic which is not yet covered from all angles.

Also, it doesn’t work overnight. You post it today, nothing happens, and it’s ok. It’s mainly a SEO instrument and it will work overtime, as the article you posted will grow in search rank.

You know whole lot of all stuff related to your business. You’re the expert. Find some topic which is not wildly popular and create a great blog post about it. Chances are you’d get some inbound traffic with people interested in what you do.

Published in basics


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