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Social media offline support – help your socials through offline actions

Many treat social media as some sort of self-contained disconnected world, but you can support your social media offline through some actions in your ‘brick and mortar’ part of the business. The whole reason for this is to let know your offline customers that you actually do have some social media activity which they might subscribe to.

It might be of higher benefit when you just start your foray into social media land. There are many things you can do:

  • Tell existing customers or subscribers through email newsletter.
  • Put some stickers with social logos and URLs to your door, reception or windows – something like – ‘Like our page on FB… and address here’.
  • Mention this in all printed materials you use – from business cards to invoices to packaging. In cases where the space is ‘expensive’, like on business cards, put there just social networks logo, so that your contacts may find you there if they’re interested, but don’t crowd the space with URLs.
  • Mention that on IVR if your company is using one.
  • Even mention it just in the course of conversation, like when you close the meeting with the prospect just say something like ‘… and we’re present on social media, you can subscribe to us there, just to stay in touch with our developments/to receive useful info on the industry etc.’



Published in basics


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